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Home > Dust Boots > Z-Independent Bracketing > Assembly > Bracketing for Upgraded X-Carve
Bracketing for Upgraded X-Carve
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2 Inventory


You'll find several bags within the Bracketing System bag. Locate the bag of plastic parts and the screws bag for the Upgrade X-Carve.

  • (4) M5x20mm Button
  • (6) M3x10mm Socket
  • (6) M5 Nylon Locking Nuts

Note: If there are extra hardware in your bag, consider theme extra. The above hardware is all that will be required.

Also note that some of the plastic parts have one or more heat inserts already pressed into the part. These are not removable.


Step 0 Gather Parts


Gather the following parts:

  • (6) M3x10mm Socket head screws
  • "L" plastic ear
  • "R" plastic ear

Additionally you'll want a 2.5mm hex wrench

Step 1 Install Side-Set Screws


Install (2) M3x10mm screws into the side of the ear labeled "L". Screw them in till the head reaches the surface of the ear.
These screws are threading plastic, please screw these in by hand and go slowly.

Repeat for the "R" ear.

Step 2 Install Front-Set Screw


Install (1) M3x10mm socket screw into the "L" ear. This screw will be threading into a heat-insert. Screw in until the top of the screw is flush with the surface.

Repeat for the "R" ear.



Step 0 Gather Parts


Gather the following parts:

  • "L" and "R" ears prepared from previous guide
  • (6) M5 Locking Nylon Nuts
  • (4) M5x20mm Button head screws
  • (2) Aluminum Tracks

Additionally you'll want a 3mm hex wrench.

Step 1 Place Front-Facing Locking Nuts


Place two M5 Locking Nylon Nuts into the face of the "L" ear. The nylon should be deeper into crevice with the threads visible.

Repeat for "R" ear.

Step 2 Partially Attach Tracks


Grab the "L" ear and an Aluminum Track. Align the track sol the holes that run the full length are towards the left side of the ear.

Place one of the M5x20 Button screws into the bottom left hole just above the track opening.

Tighten the screw to its final torque. You'll be threading plastic as you tighten this screw, remember to go slowly.

Repeat for "R" ear and other Aluminum Track.

Step 3 Finish Attaching Tracks


Behind the "L" ear, drop an M5 Nylon Locking Nut into the crevice threads first. The nylon should be visible.

Use your finger to hold that nut in place.

From the front, drop an M5x20mm Button screw through the top-right hole in the face of the Aluminum Track. Press the screw until it reaches the backside of the locking nut.

Using a 3mm hex wrench screw fully and tighten to final torque. On the backside you should see the M5's threading pocking just past the nylon.

Repeat for "R" ear and other Aluminum Track.




Step 0 Gather Parts


Gather the assemblies from our previous step as well as a 1.5mm and 2.5mm hex wrenches.

Step 1 Temporarily Remove Z Limit Switch


Using the 1.5mm hex wrench, remove the screws holding the Z homing switch.

Step 2 Install Assemblies


Slide the "L" ear/assembly down the track from the top. You may need to gently tap the top in order to get the plastic to slide freely.

Lower until the bottom of the track is level with the bottom of the Z Carriage.

Using the 2.5mm hex wrench, tighten all (3) of the M3x10 socket screws you installed into the "L" ear in a previous step.

Repeat for the "R" Ear-Track assembly.

Step 3 Reinstall Z Homing Switch


Using the 1.5mm hex wrench, reinstall the screws and the Z Homing Switch.



Step 0 Gather Parts


Gather the following parts:

  • (2) M5x20mm Socket screws
  • (2) M5 Nylon Locking Nuts
  • (2) Plastic Arms (note texture on one side)
  • (2) Plastic Arm Tracks

You'll also want to get a 4mm hex wrench.

Step 1 Attach Tracks


Take a Plastic Arm and one of the Arm Tracks and press them together.

Match up the texture sides of both parts.

Repeat for other Arm and Arm Track

Step 2 Secure Arm Track


Drop the M5 Nylon Locking Nut into the crevice with the nylon side exposed.

Come in from the other side with an M5x20mm socket screw.

Tighten to final torque. Be careful not to overtighten as this may cause the plastic to crack.

Repeat for other Arm and Arm Track.

Step 3 Attach Arms to Tracks


Lastly attach the assembled support arms to the tracks.

Slip the thumb screw through the top hole in the support arm.

Hold the track nut plate in place behind the aluminum track.

Manually thread the thumb screw into the track nut plate until secure.

Repeat for the other support arm.

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