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Masso Inlet Wiring
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Wiring up the ATC control inlet into your Masso G3 controller is very easy. 


The input assignments are what we're designating, but you can interchange them with whatever is available in your situation as long as you make those adjustments when it comes to programming those inputs on the F1 Screen. Input 9 is reserved but not designated for the Plasma DTHC as it is a high-speed input. Output 11 is reserved for Laser and cannot be otherwise designated. 



Jumpered Red = Power

Black = Ground


Yellow = Motor's Drawbar Sensor / Input 7 (Tool Change 1) [Invert the input by pressing spacebar]

Green = Relay 1 (Tool/Dust) / Output 7 (Chuck Clamp)


Non-Jumpered Red = Relay 2 (Spare) / Output 8 (currently undesignated, but is the addit'l solenoid)

White = Motor's Tool Preset Sensor / Input 8 (Tool Change 2) [Invert the input by pressing spacebar]




After you have Masso programmed and the wiring installed it's a matter of connecting all the connectors to the various components. 

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